Industrial Deafness or Noise Induced Hearing Loss as it is sometimes referred to, is a deterioration of a person’s hearing due to prolonged exposure to noise at work.
In the United Kingdom, thousands of people have been affected by industrial deafness. Employees can be put at risk in many different industries, particularly shipbuilding, coal mining, wood working, ground working, Printing, textile, pneumatic tools, metal manufacturing and engineering (factory environments) where noisy machinery is used. Anybody who has been exposed to noise at work after 1963 may be eligible to claim compensation for their hearing loss.
At Otis Lewis Ltd we will offer a free hearing test in your local area, and if it shows that you suffer from Noise Induced Hearing Loss we can then recommend you to one our panel solicitors. Our panel Solicitors specialises in helping people claim compensation for NIHL on a NO WIN NO FEE basis.
Symptoms of NIHL
Turning up the TV/RADIO
Asking people to repeat themselves
Occasional Ringing or Buzzing sound in the ears.